Do you know of innovative practices or exemplary operations in the field of air pollution control?
The Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies (AAPCA) is seeking nominations from public agencies, private entities, and individuals to identify groundbreaking technology, innovative practices, and exemplary operations in the field of air pollution control. Of particular interest are activities that are directly transferrable to the operation of an air pollution control agency.
How to Nominate
Anyone can identify and recommend that a certain organization, control technology, or operation be identified as a “Best Practice.” To apply, fill out the form available on AAPCA’s website to provide the required information for the best practice nomination. Application instructions are included in the form and the deadline to submit nominations has been extended to 11:59 PM Eastern on Friday, May 10, 2024.
Evaluation Process
AAPCA’s Best Practices Committee will evaluate each nomination for a “Best Practice” on a scale of 0 – 100. Nominations receiving a score of 85 or higher will be recommended as a Best Practice in Air Pollution Control. The AAPCA Best Practices Committee will provide the scoring evaluation to the Association’s Board of Directors for final voting and approval of the “Best Practice” designations.
Sharing of Information
The purpose of having “Best Practice” recognition is to transfer information to various parties to expand the best practices to a larger group of people. The sponsor of the “Best Practice” will be invited to give a presentation at the AAPCA 2024 Fall Business Meeting (August 28 – 30 in Raleigh, NC) and on a national webinar. In addition, designated best practices will be included in the Association’s annual State Air Trends & Successes: The StATS Report, social media features, and listed on AAPCA’s website.
Any questions on the process may be directed to AAPCA’s Interim Executive Director at or the co-chairs of AAPCA’s Best Practices Committee at and
Click here for more information and to submit your nomination today!

AAPCA is a national, non-profit, consensus-driven organization focused on assisting state and local air quality agencies and personnel with implementation and technical issues associated with the federal Clean Air Act. Created in 2012, AAPCA represents 51 state and local air pollution control agencies, and senior officials from 21 state environmental agencies currently sit on the AAPCA Board of Directors. AAPCA is housed in Lexington, Kentucky as an affiliate of The Council of State Governments. You can find more information about AAPCA at: