AAPCA Convenes 2024 Fall Business Meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina

AAPCA Convenes 2024 Fall Business Meeting in Raleigh, North Carolina

State and local air agencies discuss major Clean Air Act rulemakings, hear from key U.S. EPA Offices

Association introduces 2025 leadership slate

September 4, 2024

Lexington, KY

The Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies (AAPCA) hosted its 2024 Fall Business Meeting from August 28 to 30 in Raleigh, North Carolina. More than 140 governmental and nongovernmental attendees participated, including senior staff from 27 state and local air pollution control agencies, leadership from multiple U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) program offices and regions, and other Clean Air Act stakeholders.

At the meeting, AAPCA’s Board of Directors, comprised of senior air officials from 21 state environmental agencies, elected 2025 Officers. The Association is pleased to announce the following 2025 Officers:

“Directly engaging with co-regulatory agencies is critical to achieving successful outcomes under the Clean Air Act, which is founded on the principles of cooperative federalism,” stated AAPCA’s incoming 2025 President Laura Crowder with the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection. “AAPCA is appreciative of the state, local, and federal leadership that participated in Raleigh.”

Chief Deputy Secretary Tim Watkins with the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality welcomed attendees and spoke to the state’s sustained improvements to air quality and emerging challenges, like managing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). AAPCA was also pleased to have Jonas Monast, Executive Director of the Center for Applied Environmental Law and Policy, provide the meeting keynote and share perspectives on the deep collaborations that have achieved air pollution control progress in the power sector.

AAPCA was honored to be joined by Tomás Carbonell, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Stationary Sources for U.S. EPA’s Office of Air & Radiation (OAR). Mr. Carbonell covered the Administration’s recent and forthcoming Clean Air Act rulemakings and ongoing implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act. U.S. EPA’s Office of Research and Development (ORD) and Region 4 also presented as part of the meeting.

“Three days of presentations showcased the hard work that states do to protect the environment,” said incoming 2025 Vice President James Boylan with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD). “AAPCA’s meetings are an important forum for discussing technical challenges associated with Clean Air Act implementation.”

Agenda topics included: AAPCA’s 2024 Best Practices in Air Pollution Control; Section 111d planning and implementation for oil and gas, as well as for power plants; implementation of the fine particulate matter (PM2.5) national ambient air quality standards (NAAQS); state implementation plans (SIP); Inflation Reduction Act and Climate Pollution Reduction Grants updates; monitoring, modeling, and other technical updates; air toxics; Air Emissions Reporting Requirements (AERR); air permitting and Title V petition reviews; and Clean Air Act litigation updates. Presentations that are available from AAPCA’s 2024 Fall Business Meeting are posted here.

AAPCA’s 2025 Spring Meeting date and location are yet to be announced. More information will be available on AAPCA’s website (www.cleanairact.org).

AAPCA Background

The Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies, or AAPCA, is a national, non-profit, consensus-driven organization focused on assisting state and local air quality agencies and personnel with implementation and technical issues associated with the federal Clean Air Act. Created in 2012, AAPCA represents 51 state and local air pollution control agencies, and senior officials from 21 state environmental agencies currently sit on the AAPCA Board of Directors. AAPCA is housed in Lexington, Kentucky as an affiliate of The Council of State Governments. More information about AAPCA can be found on the Association’s website: www.cleanairact.org.

Association of Air Pollution Control Agencies | 1776 Avenue of the States | Lexington, Kentucky 40511

www.cleanairact.org | @AAPCA_States | LinkedIn

Contact: Morgan Dickie, Interim Executive Director (mdickie@csg.org / 859-244-8042)